The following programs grant advanced degrees in biology education research. To find out more about any of the programs, please write to them directly at the provided contact information.
If you represent a degree-granting biology education research program which would like to be listed here, please fill out this form. (You can also use the same form if your program is listed but the information needs to be updated.)
For those interested in chemistry education research a link to those programs can be found here.
The link to geoscience education research programs can be found below.
(If you prefer, download an excel sheet with headers that allow you to filter results by degree type and state.) Listing last update: February 2024.
Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona
Ph.D. in Biology
Ph.D. In Biology and Society
M.S. in Biology
Department: School of Life Sciences
BER Contact Person: Katelyn Cooper ( and Sara Brownell (
Applications due: December 15, 2020. Priority Deadline: December 1, 2020
Program details:
Non-BER experience: Not needed
Rotations: No, students should contact PI of interest first
Core Curriculum: Coursework is flexible. For the Ph.D. program, there are a few required biology courses. Students' remaining coursework can be in other disciplines relevant to biology education (e.g. statistics, learning sciences, psychology).
Committee: ASU is home to a community of discipline-based education researchers as well as faculty in biology, statistics, learning sciences, and psychology who can serve on students’ committees.
Other Comments: At ASU, students interested in studying undergraduate biology education have the opportunity to earn their MS or PhD through the School of Life Sciences. The School of Life Sciences is home to Katelyn Cooper’s Biology Education Research Lab ( ) and Sara Brownell’s Biology Education Research Lab ( ). Both labs are broadly interested in research questions pertaining to equity and access in biology education and are part of a larger Research for Inclusive STEM Education (RISE) Center, that is an interdisciplinary research center focused on equity and inclusion. Specific research interests are outlined on the respective lab websites.
Auburn University Auburn, Alabama
Ph.D. in Biological Sciences
M.S. in Biological Sciences
Department: Department of Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Cissy Ballen (
Program Details: Auburn supports a large community in our Department of Biological Sciences (DBS). Students can apply to join the Biology Education Research program at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level, but admission requires an undergraduate degree in biology or closely related field. The application for admission to the DBS graduate program includes a CV, personal statement, official transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Auburn University and the Ballen Lab are interested in candidates who are committed to high standards of scholarship and to fostering a climate that supports equality and diversity.
Type of Degree offered (Ph.D. in Biology, Ph.D. in Education, M.S. in Biological Science Education, etc.): Ph.D. in Biological sciences; M.S. in Biological Sciences
Should applicants have non-BER (traditional bench-work) research experience? Not needed
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation? Dissertation chapters can be all BER or one can be non-BER
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology?
No, but a non-BER committee member is RECOMMENDED
Do students do rotations? No, students should contact PI of interest first
Other Comments: Auburn supports a large community in our Department of Biological Sciences (DBS). Students can apply to join the Biology Education Research program at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level, but admission requires an undergraduate degree in biology or closely related field. The application for admission to the DBS graduate program includes a CV, personal statement, official transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Auburn University and the Ballen Lab are interested in candidates who are committed to high standards of scholarship and fostering a climate that supports diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Ph.D. students are strongly encouraged to apply for the NSF-GRFP, and I will gladly work with potential graduate students who would like to apply the year before starting graduate school (fellowship deadline in mid-October, lab interviews in January, DBS application due in February, begin graduate school in August).Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio
Ph.D. in Biological Sciences
M.S. in Biological Sciences
Department: Department of Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Karen Sirum (
Brigham Young University Provo, UT
Ph.D. in Biology
M.S. in Biological Science Education
Department: Department of Biology
BER Contact Person: Jamie Jensen (; Liz Bailey (
Administrative Contact Info: Gentri Glaittli (
Program Details: MS program can be specialized to precede an education PhD, to prepare you for higher ed teaching, or to add to a licensure program. The PhD program is in Biology with a specialty in Science Education. It is a normal research dissertation program. Your advisor may or may not require you to complete non-education biology research.
California State University San Marcos San Diego, CA
M.S. in Biology
Department: Department of Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Dr. Mallory Rice,
Administrative Contact Person:
This posting last updated: Jan 31, 2022
Applications due: March 1
Non-BER experience: Not needed
Rotations: No, students should contact PI of interest first
Do students have to be co-advised by non-BER faculty: Yes
Are requirements for BER different than non-BER students in the same department: No
Cornell University Ithaca, New York
Ph.D. in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Field
Department: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
BER Contact Person: Michelle Smith (
Administrative Contact Info: Patty Jordan (
Program Details: Students are admitted into a particular lab, so contacting potential advisors ahead of time and expressing interest is important. Student projects can be 100% BER or co-mentored by non-BER faculty. Faculty in physics education and other relevant fields can serve on committees. Graduate students in the EEB department are required to TA for two semesters. However, graduate students usually TA for multiple semesters and there is a supportive culture that values both teaching and research. Fostering diversity among students, researchers, and faculty is a priority for EEB. We work to create an inclusive environment and are committed to improving the representation of minority groups in our field. There are several graduate school recruitment fellowships in support of diversity for incoming students:
Colorado State Fort Collins, Colorado
Department: Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
Degree offered: Ph.D in Microbiology
Application deadline: 12-01-2022 (December 1st)
BER Contact Person: Justine Liepkalns ( and Nicole Kelp (
Administrative Contact Person: Lesley Jones (
This posting last updated: Oct 17, 2022
Applications due:
Non-BER experience: It is RECOMMENDED
Rotations: Yes, in BER labs AND non-BER labs
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology? No, but a non-BER committee member is RECOMMENDED
Core Curriculum: Students are required to take 16 credits of graduate level courses, 13 of these credits are from courses
within the Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology program. Additional course work may include classes in statistics,
social sciences, and courses best suited for preparing students for their project.
Are there any BER specific requirements. No, students will be part of the MIP graduate student cohort. MIP houses a group of DBER researchers who meet regularly to discuss projects, manuscripts, and grants. In addition, the student will choose a committee best suited for their project.
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation? No, all chapters should be in BER
Other Comments: Important note to applicants: Be sure to mention that you are interested in BER in your application's
Statement of Purpose.
Danforth Plant Science Center St. Louis, Missouri
Ph.D. in Biology
Department: Education Research and Outreach
BER Contact Person: Kristine Callis-Duehl (
Program Details: In collaboration with St. Louis University (SLU), the Danforth Plant Science Center offers a unique opportunity for students interested in Biology Education Research with a plant science focus. Our major research programs include, but are not limited to: (1) engagement in science practice and examining identity, attitudes and productive failure through research experiences and citizen science projects, (2) improving access to and inclusion in STEM for underserved populations including homeless students or refugee student both in-person and through virtual education, and (3) examining "plant blindness" among various populations and developing interventions and activities to counter plant blindness.
East Carolina University Greenville, NC
Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences
Department: Biology
BER Contact Person: Heather Vance-Chalcraft (
Administrative Contact Person: Xiaoping Pan (
This posting last updated: May 29, 2020
Applications due: Rolling admissions
Non-BER experience: Recommended
Thesis/Dissertation: Can be all BER or not
Rotations:No, Students should contact PI of interest
Core Curriculum: Ethics, Statistics, Seminar
Committee: Can be all BER
Other Comments:Funding is available to support M.S. and Ph.D. students.
Eastern Washington University Cheney, Washington
M.S. in Biology
Department: Biology
BER Contact Person: Bo Idsardi (
This posting last updated: December 25, 2019
Program details:
Thesis/Dissertation: Non-BER chapter recommended in MS thesis
Rotations: No, students should contact PI of interest first
Committee: A non-BER committee member is not required, but recommended
Other Comments: EWU offers a thesis-based M.S. in Biology with the option to focus on biology education research (BER) or BER integrated with biology research. Students’ programs are tailored to their interest, with courses in biology, education, and research methods. Support is available through department teaching assistantships. Students interested should contact potential mentors prior to applying.
Florida International University Miami, Florida
Ph.D. in Biology
Department: Department of Biological Sciences & STEM Transformation Institute
BER Contact Person: Melissa McCartney (; Sarah L. Eddy (
Administrative Contact Info: Yookyung Song (
Program Details: Although the program is based in biology, we work closely with the STEM Transformation Institute which is composed of 15+ education researchers from across the STEM fields. This network of support will provide a large community of DBER graduate students, access to training in methods and theories used across these fields, and collaborations within and across STEM disciplines. Student research projects will commonly use undergraduate biology education spaces as a context, but can expand to research topics encompassing additional educational spaces and levels. In addition, there is flexibility in the courses students can take to meet the PhD requirements including courses in education, psychology, and sociology.
M.S. in Biology
Department: Biology
BER Contact Person: Sue Ellen DeChenne-Peters (
Program Details: Students can pursue a M.S. in Biology and conduct biology education research. The program is tailored to each student’s interests and includes coursework in biology, statistics, and education. The biology department has a vibrant teaching and learning community. Georgia Southern has a unique three campus system in Southeast GA, providing research and teaching opportunities with diverse student populations. Dr. DeChenne-Peters is located on the Armstrong campus in Savannah, GA.
Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho
D.A. (Doctor of Arts) in Biology
Department: Biological Sciences Department
BER Contact Person: Anna Strimaitis Grinath (
Program Details: The D.A. in Biology Education is a highly individualized degree that can be tailored to each student's career goals in biology education research and teaching. D.A. Students may work directly with Anna Grinath's research group or with any other biology faculty member. The student may choose to include biology coursework and research in non-education labs in their program of study and research proposal if it supports their career goals (see Timelines & Benchmarks). A completed Master's degree which included a thesis of original biological research is strongly preferred for entry to the program. The department is currently allotted 8 D.A. fellowships, which include a stipend and tuition and fee waivers.
Timelines & Benchmarks:
Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
Ph.D. in Biology
M.S. in Biology
Department: Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Anna Strimaitis Grinath (
This posting last updated: December 25, 2019
Applications due: Priority Deadline: January 15
Program details:
Compare BER and non-BER graduate experience: For the Ph.D. and M.S. in Biology, BER students fulfill the same requirements as non-BER students. BER students will tailor their graduate course work towards the BER graduate courses offered by Biology. Students doing the Ph.D. in Biology may also declare a minor in Biology Education. The Biology Education minor involves a series of Biology Education Research seminar courses, completing a series of structured teaching internships partnered with a biology faculty member, and Biology Education minors are also eligible for fellowship funding. ISU also has a D.A. degree in Biology which differs from the Ph.D. (see separate description). Anna is happy to talk with you about the distinction between the Ph.D. and the D.A. degrees.
Thesis/Dissertation: All chapters should be in BER
Rotations: No, students should contact PI of interest first
Core Curriculum: Careers in Life Sciences (applies to BER); Proposal Seminar (applies to BER); Biometry (applies to BER); Seminars in Biology Education (BER)
Committee: All advisors and committee members can be in BER
Other Comments: BER Ph.D. and M.S. students will work with Anna Grinath's research group and complete all regular requirements for the Ph.D. or M.S. in Biology and engage in biology education research for their thesis or dissertation research. BER graduate students are expected to take both biology and education-related courses that support their goals. The graduate student will be housed in the biology department, which supports all graduate students and faculty to think deeply about biology teaching and learning.
Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan
Department: Physiology
Degrees offered: Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology
BER Contact Person: Shahnaz Masani (, Jennifer Doherty (, Douglas Luckie (
Administrative Contact Person: Jasmine Jackson (
Should applicants have non-BER (traditional bench-work) research experience? Not Needed
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation?
No, all chapters should be in BER
Do students do rotations? Yes, in BER labs AND non-BER labs
Core Classes: PSL 829: Cellular and Integrative Phys II (Non-BER), PSL 828: Cellular and Integrative Phys I (Non-BER), PSL 950: Topics in Physiology (BER or NON-BER)
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology? No, but a non-BER committee member is RECOMMENDED
Specific BER Requirements: None
Program Details: Please see the LIPHE Research Group website for information on BER projects:
Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Ph.D. in Biology Education
Department: Department of Biology, Mathematics & Science Education Ph.D. Program
BER Contact Person: Grant Gardner, BER Faculty Advisor (
Administrative Contact Info: Jennifer Kaplan, Program Director (
Program Details: The Biology Education Ph.D. is a focal area in MTSU's Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Science Education (MSE) Ph.D. program that resides in the College of Basic and Applied Sciences. Student coursework includes biology content as well as education research theory and methods. Students are part of a cohort in the larger MSE program that includes students studying in other focal areas: Chemistry Education, Mathematics Education, and Interdisciplinary STEM Education. There are currently 4 faculty that serve the Biology Education focal area at various levels. Students are admitted into the program and not a particular research team, but it is recommended that interested students review Biology Education faculty research before applying. Assistantships are available for qualified students.
North Dakota State University Fargo, North Dakota
Ph.D. in Biology
M.S. in Biology
Dual Ph.D. in DBER, Biology
Department: Biological Sciences
BER Contact Persons: Jenni Momsen (
Administrative Contact Info: Jenni Momsen (
When are graduate applications due? Rolling admissions
Location: Fargo, ND
Name of Department: Biological Sciences & Others
Program Details: Students at NDSU are part of an exciting interdisciplinary program, and regularly work with faculty and graduate students in Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Psychology, and beyond. Many students earn a College Teaching Certificate. Find out why Fargo is "North of Normal"!
Non-BER experience: Not necessary
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation?: No, all chapters can be in BER
Do students do rotations?: No, students should contact PI of interest first
Core classes: BER Courses: Introduction to College Science Teaching; Curriculum & Assessment; Research Methods; STEM Journal Club
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology? No, all advisors and comittee members can be in BER
Do BER graduate students have to fulfill different requirements than non-BER graduate student in this department? Please describe the differences, if any, between BER and non-BER students in your department. Dual degree students will complete two written exams (BER and non-BER); all other requirements remain the same. |
Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois
M.S. in Biology
Ph.D. in Biology
Department: Department of Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Heather Bergan-Roller (
Program Details: NIU offers flexible graduate programs in biology education research such that students may focus solely on BER or integrate BER along with research in biology. Student would construct their own experience to potentially include coursework in biology, education, and/or psychology and have teaching opportunities. Students would join a DBER community that includes Anatomy, Geology, Chemistry, Physics, and Math.
Portland State University Portland, Oregon
Ph.D. in Biology
M.S. in Biology
Department: Department of Biology
This posting last updated: November 6, 2022
When are graduate applications due? February
BER Contact Person: Erin Shortlidge (
Administrative Contact Person: Erin Shortlidge (
Program Details: Students pursuing graduate work will work directly with Dr. Shortlidge's group but will have the opportunity to engage with a broader DBER group on campus. Students will conduct research in biology/STEM education and will be expected to participate in biology, education, and quantitative and qualitative methods coursework. Graduate students typically work as teaching assistants, and will have the opportunity to participate in a Teaching Certificate program. Prior experience in basic biology research is preferred.
Should applicants have non-BER (traditional bench-work) research experience? It is RECOMMENDED
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation? No, all chapters should be in BER
Do students do rotations? No, students should contact PI of interest first
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology? No, but a non-BER committee member is REQUIRED
Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana
Ph.D. in Biology
M.S. in Biology
Department: Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Nancy Pelaez (
Administrative Contact Info: Gina Rupp, Graduate Program Coordinator (, 765-494-8142)
Program Details: If a faculty position that involves great teaching is your hope or ambition, Purdue's Biology Education Area (BEA) will help grad students achieve a competitive edge. BEA is for everyone who is interested in teaching, in teaching-related research, or in understanding the importance of community, a sense of belonging, and cultural relevancy for educating the next generation. We are committed to helping all students develop the advanced reasoning and problem-solving abilities that are so critical to new discoveries in the life sciences and to society.
San Francisco State University San Francisco, CA
M.S. Biology
Department: Biology
BER Contact Person: Kimberly Tanner,
Administrative Contact Info: Kimberly Tanner,
Should applicants have non-BER (traditional bench-work) research experience? Not needed
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation? Not required
Do students do rotations? No, students should contact PI of interest first
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology? NA
Do BER graduate students have to fulfill different requirements than non-BER graduate student in this department? No
Core Curriculum: NA
Additional Information:We welcome individuals from a wide range of professional and personal backgrounds who are interested in biology education research.
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Edwardsville, IL
M.A. or M.S. in Biology
M.S. in Education
Department: Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Maurina Aranda (
Administrative Contact Info: Peter Minchin (
Program Details: Students can complete a non-thesis or thesis plan, where they participate in biology and education coursework and do graduate-level research in biology education. No prior biology or education research needed to apply.
Syracuse University Syracuse, New York
Ph.D. in Biology
M.S. in Biology
Department: Department of Biology
BER Contact Person: Jason R. Wiles (
Program Details: BER Ph.D. students complete all regular requirements for the Ph.D. (or M.S.) in Biology and engage in biology education research in post-secondary contexts for their thesis or dissertation research. Their degree is in Biology. Apply to the Biology Graduate program and indicate interest in the Wiles lab.
Syracuse University Syracuse, New York
Ph.D. in College Science Teaching
Department: Department of Science Teaching (College of Arts and Sciences)
BER Contact Person: Jason R. Wiles (
Administrative Contact Info: John Tillotson, Department Chair (
Program Details: The doctoral degree program in College Science Teaching serves those who aspire to teach STEM content courses (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics, Engineering and/or Mathematics) at the collegiate level and who desire to conduct discipline-based STEM education research focused on teaching and learning in undergraduate and graduate environments. The doctoral program centers on deepening student’s STEM content-area knowledge, as well as their understanding of evidence-based STEM teaching and learning in collegiate classrooms. Applicants are expected to either hold a Master's in their content discipline or earn one concurrently.
This posting last updated: May 29, 2020
Applications due: Rolling admissions
Non-BER experience: Recommended
Thesis/Dissertation: Can be all BER or not
Rotations: No, Students should contact PI of interest
Core Curriculum: Ethics, Statistics, Seminar
Committee: Can be all BER
Other Comments: Funding is available to support M.S. and Ph.D. students.
Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
M.S. in Biology, Aquatic Resources, Population & Conservation Biology, Wildlife Ecology; Ph.D. in Aquatic Resources & Integrative Biology
Department: Biology
Link: and
BER Contact Person: Kristy L Daniel ( OR Carrie J. Bucklin (
This posting last updated: Sept 12, 2023
Applications due: Doctoral - August 15; Masters - June/October/April 15th
Non-BER experience: Not needed
Thesis/Dissertation: Varies based on PI
Rotations: No, students should contact PI of interest first
Core Curriculum: Varies by degree
Committee: All advisors and comittee members can be in BER
Do BER graduate students have to fulfill different requirements than non-BER graduate student in this department? No
Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX
M.S. in Biology, Ph.D. in Biology
Department: Department of Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Lisa Limeri;
Administrative Contact Info: Lou Densmore;
This posting last updated: Sept. 15, 2021
Applications due: Rolling admissions
Non-BER experience: Not needed
Thesis/Dissertation: All chapters should be in BER
Rotations: No, Students should contact PI of interest first
Core Curriculum: TBD
Committee: There is no departmental preference, but will likely be BER and non-BER faculty on committee
Tufts University Medford, MA
Ph.D. in STEM Education, M.S. in STEM Education
Department: Department of Education or Department of Biology
Link: STEM Ed program:; PhD in Biology:
BER Contact Person: Julia Gouvea, |
Administrative Contact Person: STEM Education contact: Michelle Pare (; Biology contact: Douglas Purdy (
This posting last updated: November 16, 2021
Applications due: Ph.D in Biology (Dec.1): Ph.D in STEM Ed (Dec. 15)
Non-BER experience: Not needed
Thesis/Dissertation: Both models are possible depending on program and individual interest
Rotations: Students do rotations in BER and non-BER in Biology program only
Core Curriculum: Candidates in both programs take both Biology and Education courses.
Committee: A non-BER committee member is REQUIRED
Do BER graduate students have to fulfill different requirements than non-BER graduate student in this department? Please describe the differences, if any, between BER and non-BER students in your department. BER students in the Biology department must take at least 2 classes in Education
Other Comments: Tufts has two ways to do BER. One pathway is through the STEM Education program in the Education Department and the other is through a concentration in Biology Education Research in the Biology Department. Candidates should contact Julia Gouvea to discuss which option is the best fit.
University of Colorado Boulder, CO
Ph.D. in Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology
Department: Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCDB)
BER Contact Person: Jenny Knight (
Administrative Contact Info:
Program Details: Students are admitted into the program, not into a particular lab. All students are required to do 4 rotations in the department; one of these can be with a BER researcher. Students choose a lab at the end of the first year, and can then take additional education courses and become part of the CU DBER community as they work to establish a research project and take their comprehensive exams (1st semester, 2nd year). Students who already have a masters in biology or significant laboratory research (not education research) experience are more likely to be admitted. Best course of action if interested is to directly contact Jenny Knight.
University of Colorado Boulder, CO
Ph.D. in Biology
M.S. in Biology
Department: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
BER Contact Person: Lisa Corwin (
Administrative Contact Info: Cora Fagan (
Program Details: All students are welcome to apply. A masters in biology, and specifically in an ecology or evolution related topic, is strongly preferred for applicants to the PhD program.
University of Colorado Boulder, CO
Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Department: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
BER Contact Person: Andrew Martin ( and Lisa Corwin (
Program Details: Training program is flexible but we encourage students to engage in education research focused on issues in ecology and evolution. Graduate student cohorts will be mostly biological (rather than education) research focused. Many of the faculty and graduate students in the program pursue scholarship of teaching and learning and a few have federally-funded biological education research programs.
University of Colorado Denver Denver, Colorado
Ph.D. in Integrative Biology
M.S. in Integrative Biology
Department: Department of Integrative Biology
BER Contact Person: Laurel Hartley (
Administrative Contact Info: Ginny Ware (
This posting last updated: November 6, 2019
Program details:
Applications due: December 1 + off cycle applications
Non-BER experience: Not needed
Thesis/Dissertation: Can be all BER or not
Rotations: No, Students should contact PI of interest
Committee: Can be all BER
Other Comments: This department considers BER to be a subdiscipline of Biology.
University of Georgia Athens, Georgia
Ph.D. in a field of life sciences (e.g. biochemistry, cell biology)
Department: Integrated Life Sciences
Link: and
Applications due: 12/1
BER Contact Person: Julie Stanton (
Administrative Contact Info: Julie Simmons (
This posting last updated: November 16, 2023
Should applicants have non-BER (traditional bench-work) research experience?
Not needed
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation? Not required or recommended, but students may choose to do so
Do students do rotations? Rotating in BER labs only is an option (currently 8 possible labs), but students could choose to include non-BER rotations
If students have to take core classes, please list and indicate which if any are BER and which are non-BER. If no requirements, type "NA". Depends on the department chosen
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology? No, all advisors and comittee members can be in BER
Do BER graduate students have to fulfill different requirements than non-BER graduate student in this department? No required differences, but BER students will likely choose to include elective courses in education.
Program Details: The purpose of Biology Education Research at UGA is to promote research that requires integrated thinking about biology and university education and to develop interdisciplinary scientists to address cutting-edge questions in our field. Graduate students in the ILS program may choose to rotate with multiple faculty whose research focuses on Biology Education. Students who select Biology Education Research may choose to focus their thesis solely in this area or to include a dual-focus in life science research. The student and advisors will collaborate to develop a mentoring arrangement, training plan, and research objectives that will best prepare each student for their career goals. Note: We suggest reaching out to potential mentors prior to applying to the ILS program.
University of Massachusetts Lowell Lowell, Massachusetts
M.S. in Biology: Education, Communication and Outreach Option
Department: Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Naomi Wernick (
Program Details: Graduates of the Master of Science in Biological Sciences: Education, Communication and Outreach option will gain expertise in the biological sciences, while also taking appropriate coursework in education, psychology, and business that is tailored to their desired career. This program would be a great fit for students with career interests in education, curriculum development, as well as life science and sustainability training. Students selecting from this option would have a choice of completing coursework only, or coursework with a project or thesis; a project or thesis could be in biology or biology education depending on future career plans. This is a relatively new program and the website is still being updated. Please contact Naomi Wernick with any questions.
University of Mississippi University, MS
Department: Biology
Type of Degree offered: Ph.D. in Biology, M.S. in Biology
Applications due: January 15
BER Contact Person: Dr. Sharday Ewell (; Dr. Mariel Pfeifer (
Administrative Contact Info: Dr. Jason Hoeksema;
This posting last updated: 4/03/2024
Should applicants have non-BER (traditional bench-work) research experience? It is RECOMMENDED
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation? No, all chapters should be in BER
Do students do rotations? Rotations are an option, but not required.
If students have to take core classes, please list and indicate which if any are BER and which are non-BER. If no requirements, type "NA". NA
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology? No, but a non-BER committee member is RECOMMENDED
Do BER graduate students have to fulfill different requirements than non-BER graduate student in this department? There are no formal differences in degree requirements for BER and non-BER graduate students. However, BER students do have options to pursue additional coursework in a content area and bench research experience.
Program Details: Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Ewell and/or Dr. Pfeifer before submitting a formal application to discuss the program and process in more detail.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska
M.S. in Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Entomology, or Natural Resources with Specialization in STEM Education Research
Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Entomology, or Natural Resources with Specialization in STEM Education Research
Department: Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Entomology, or Natural Resources
BER Contact Person: Biochemistry: Tom Helikar (; Biological Sciences: Brian Couch (; Entomology: Doug Golick (; Natural Resources: Jenny Dauer (, Joe Dauer (
This posting last updated: December 25, 2019
Applications due: Varies by department
Program details: UNL hosts a robust cross-disciplinary community of STEM education scholars. Graduate students pursuing biology education research obtain a degree from their respective life sciences department and can obtain an additional Specialization in STEM Education Research. Students have flexibility in the balance of biology versus education coursework/research they pursue based on their individual backgrounds and career interests.
M.S. in Biology
Ph.D. in Biology
Department: Department of Biological Sciences
Link: or
BER Contact Person: Melissa Aikens (
Program Details: Students can pursue an MS or a Ph.D. in Biology under the Integrative and Organismal Biology option, though students applying for the PhD program are strongly encouraged to have a Master’s degree in a life science discipline. Students apply to work in specific labs, so it is important to contact potential advisors early in the application process. Projects can be entirely based within biology education research, or students can be co-mentored on projects that involve both biology education and basic science research. Biology education graduate students at UNH have the opportunity to interact with a supportive community of discipline-based education researchers in chemistry, physics, and mathematics.
University of Northern Colorado Greeley, Colorado
Ph.D. in Biological Education
M.S. in Biological Sciences
Department: Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Emily Holt (
Administrative Contact Info: Cindy Budde (
Program Details: All students in our doctorate program have two pedagogical requirements regardless of the topic of their research: (1) take a biology-specific graduate course in pedagogical practice at the collegiate-level and a biology-specific graduate course in learning theories; and (2) do a supervised teaching experience where the student serves as the primary instructor of a semester-long course, under direct supervision of the usual course instructor. Within this degree program, the research topic of the dissertation may be bench, field, or education research (or a blend of several, as appropriate). For the master’s program, biology education-focused students are encouraged to take both of the graduate courses listed above and the research topic of the thesis is biology education-focused. Students are admitted directly into faculty labs, thus advised to reach out to faculty who share common biology education research interests.
University of Rhode Island Kinston, RI
Ph.D in Biology (focus of Biology Education), and M.S. in Biological Science EducationDepartment: Biological Sciences
BER Contact Person: Angela Google,
Should applicants have non-BER (traditional bench-work) research experience?
Not needed.
Do students need a non-BER chapter or publication (traditional bench-work) in their dissertation?
No, all chapters should be in BER.
Do students do rotations? No, students should contact PI of interest
Core Classes: BER courses: Educational Research Methods, Qualitative Methods, Quantitative Methods, Learning Theories, & Theoretical Frameworks in STEM education. Non-BER courses can be selected based on the Biological and Environmental Science specialization the students choose.
Do students have to be co-advised by a non-BER faculty member in Biology? No, all advisors and comittee members can be in BER
Do BER students fill different requirements than non-BER? BER graduate students will have to take BER core courses to support their research project. The amount of program credits required are the same as non-BER.
Other details: Angela Googleam, the BER contact, is advertising for a graduate student in her research lab specifically for a grant funded project.
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Ph.D. in Science Education: Biology
Ph.D. in Science Education
Department: Mallinson Institute for Science Education
BER Contact Person: Charles Henderson (
Administrative Contact Person: Kathleen Drzewiecki (
This posting last updated: January 28, 2020
Applications due: Rolling admissions
Program details:
Compare BER and non-BER graduate experience: For the Ph.D. and M.S. in Biology, BER students fulfill the same requirements as non-BER students. BER students will tailor their graduate course work towards the BER graduate courses offered by Biology. Students doing the Ph.D. in Biology may also declare a minor in Biology Education. The Biology Education minor involves a series of Biology Education Research seminar courses, completing a series of structured teaching internships partnered with a biology faculty member, and Biology Education minors are also eligible for fellowship funding. ISU also has a D.A. degree in Biology which differs from the Ph.D. (see separate description). Anna is happy to talk with you about the distinction between the Ph.D. and the D.A. degrees.
Thesis/Dissertation: All chapters should be in BER
Rotations: There are multiple science education faculty that students can work with. Selection is usually done after 1-2 years in the program.
Core Curriculum: Required core classes in science education and research methodology (qualitative and quantitative)
Committee: All advisors and committee members can be in BER
Other Comments: Please see web site for program details. Contact me with any questions
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