Platinum sponsorship includes:
- All benefits of an Exhibitor sponsorship (2 complimentary meeting registrations, logo on conference website and in conference app, acknowledgement during opening remarks, exhibitor table during the two evening poster sessions)
- Named banquet sponsorship: Saturday evening banquet named for the sponsor. Projected logo during the dinner. Sponsor may have an exhibitor table in the banquet space and display promotional materials at tables. 2-minute speaking opportunity during the dinner presentation.
- Branded conference lanyards: Your organization's name and logo displayed on the meeting badge lanyards. Price does not include purchase, production, or shipping.
- Registration confirmation banner ad: Your organization’s banner ad will appear in the email confirmation of every registered attendee, including a hyperlink to your organization’s website.
- Priority access to registration list. Sponsor receives participant list at the close of early-bird registration.
- Acknowledgement on SABER website homepage, conference website, conference app, and during the opening remarks.