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Postdoc and graduate positions in Bioinformatics Education

  • 10/03/2023 12:57 PM
    Message # 13262550

    Dear SABER community,

    We are looking for a postdoc and two graduate students with experience in bioinformatics and an interest in education research to join a recently funded 5-year project entitled “Engaging and Mentoring through Biomedical Research And Career Exploration” at Florida International University in Miami. 

    The goal of the project is to increase biology undergraduate students' access to bioinformatics, research, and leadership experiences as well as career development opportunities. These positions have a strong mentoring/coaching focus as the project will also develop a new Learning Assistant-like model for CURE classes and a Mentoring in the Classroom program.

    For more information, see careers.iscb.org/jobs/view/8604  (postdoc ad) and careers.iscb.org/jobs/view/8629 (grad student ad).


    If you can share this position with potentially interested candidates that would be greatly appreciated!


    Thank you,

    Melissa McCartney mrm10@buffalo.edu

    Jessica Liberles jliberle@fiu.edu

    Rocio Benabentos rbenaben@fiu.edu

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