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  • Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Biology Education Research at Colorado State University, Fort Collins with fully remote option possible.

Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Biology Education Research at Colorado State University, Fort Collins with fully remote option possible.

  • 05/14/2024 10:59 AM
    Message # 13356644

    The Liepkalns lab is a Biology Education Research lab within the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology in the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. The Liepkalns lab invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate in Biology Education Research (BER). This post-doctoral associate will join a collaborative group of education researchers known as the Program for Research in Immunology and Microbiology Education (PRIME) group. The postdoctoral associate will learn and apply methods from social science and educational psychology to investigate the context of student learning of socio-scientific issues, concept-based reasoning within immunology and immunotherapies, and contribute to other studies involving classroom environment and inclusivity. 

    Responsibilities: We expect the post-doctoral fellow to (1) design, conduct and analyze qualitative research; (2) publish and present findings in refereed journals; (3) assist in developing research proposals to secure extramural funding (NSF) and intramural funding (CSU); (4) assist in mentoring of undergraduate students and a graduate student pursuing BER projects. If it is of interest, the candidate may design and implement activities as well as design & explore additional BER projects. 

    Preferred qualifications: We are seeking candidates who have either a Ph.D. in Science Education, Learning Sciences, Educational Psychology, or related fields, or a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics, or Biology, experience teaching, and a strong desire to engage in education research. The ideal candidate will have the following qualifications or a strong motivation to gain experience in these areas: 

    • Experience in science education research,
    • Experience conducting multivariate statistics including multiple regression,
    •  Experience teaching at the undergraduate level,
    • Effective communication skills across disciplines, particularly to explain the nuances of a discipline to those outside of the discipline,
    • Experience with data collection, particularly in undergraduate settings, and
    • Experience working in the sciences (Chemistry, Biology, or Physics).
    • Expertise in qualitative research, social sciences and Education Research are preferred.

    Term and start date: This position is 9-months to 1 year with 100% remote option. The position start date is June 2024 but is negotiable. If you have any questions, please email Justine.liepkans@colostate.edu. Salary range is based on length of appointment ($47,000-64,000).

    Application procedure: To apply, submit a cover letter, resume or CV, and the names and contact information for three professional references. In your cover letter, please include a statement describing your interest in Biology Education Research (BER) in the first paragraph then specifically address the required and preferred job qualifications of this position. A cover letter that fails to address the required and preferred qualifications of this position may not be further considered. Application link - https://jobs.colostate.edu/postings/138482.


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